Monday, February 19, 2007

Bridge to Terabithia

When I went into my school library to check this book out, the librarian says "I can't handle this book". Of course, I quickly reply don't say anything I have to read it for a class I am taking. I can already feel a sense of dread welling up in my stomach. I read for escape from all the yuck in the world.
My daughter, Sarah, who is eleven decide she wanted to read all my books from Children's Lit class with me. So, she got a copy and started to read. When she got home school the following day, I asked her how was the book (I still hadn't finished the novel myself). Sarah replied, "I hate this author. I don't know why the book had to end that way. I started crying in school. How embarrassing."
At this point, I know for certain somebody is going to die and that it will probably be Leslie. I start reading again with a new purpose...looking for foreshadowing of a death...looking for a reason. Then, in chapter 9, I knew for sure what was going to happen as Jess lay in bed all night thinking about the swollen creek, knowing that Leslie would want to cross it, deciding he would tell her no.
But, then he wasn't there.
I have to say that the author's voice makes this book an engrossing read. The language of the book is sheer artistry. “Mama would be mad as flies in a fruit jar if they woke her up this time of day" or "the bottoms of his feet were as tough as worn out sneakers".
Then there are the characters, they are so well developed. They are real to the reader which makes what is to come more devastating.
At last, I finished the book. I cried. Then, I was mad. My daughter padded into the bedroom where I was reading. I looked up and all I could say is "why?".To which Sarah replied, "Well, Mom....Jess didn't need Leslie anymore. Leslie was Terabithia. Jess is no longer afraid...he's moved past that." Once again, I was almost speechless. "Wow." was all I could say.
I am still not sure that I can even say I liked the book. In fact, I know I didn't. After reading, the article on Bridge to Terabithia and knowing that it was based on a real event, and the author's need for healing and closure... I finally understood the "why".
Then on another level, I thought, life is senseless at times. It isn't always fair and it isn't always right.Katherine Patterson has captured life brilliantly in the novel and that is why it will continue to endure.

1 comment:

JulieAnne said...

When you posted on my blog that this was not your favorite, I had to read your response.

Wow! I am really inspired by you and your daughter are reading the books together. How neat! It must make for really interesting conversation between you!

I like how you were able to find the novel's best parts--the language and the depiction of uncertain life.

I can't wait to see the movie & also to read your response to the movie!